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Fahrradverleih Rhein Bike

Kronengasse 12, 56154 Boppard

Rent bicycles and e-bikes quickly and easily

In our rental station for bicycles and e-bikes in the center of Boppard we rent city bikes, e-city bikes, e-mountain bikes, e-bike carriers for two children with sun protection, children's bikes, trailers, helmets and everything you need for a bike trip need in the Middle Rhine Valley.

• Free cancellation up to 72 hours before booking
• Insurance included
• Breakdown kit included
• uncomplicated online booking

Boppard am Rhein has the perfect infrastructure for cycling.

Fahrradverleih Rhein Bike

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56154 Boppard Kronengasse 12
Rhein Bike
Kronengasse 12
56154 Boppard

Phone: +49 6742 2678
E-mail: mail@rhein-bike.de
Web: http://www.rhein-bike.de

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