Eingang Nabu Zentrum | © Nabu Zentrum Rheinauen

09:00 - 16:00

NABU Zentrum Rheinauen Bingen

Mainzer Str. 302, 55411 Bingen am Rhein

The NABU Center Rheinauen was founded in 1982 by the NABU group Bingen and surroundings. The focus of the work is the protection of species and habitats, projects for the protection of the Rhine floodplains and environmental education. Since the year 2022, the NABU Center can be found at a new location in Bingen-Gaulsheim.

Directly opposite the train stop in Bingen-Gaulsheim, the innovative wooden building is located in the middle of the nature experience area AuenLand. The center is the basis for the diverse work of the full-time and voluntary nature conservationists. Here you can find inspiration to become active in nature conservation yourself: At home or in the numerous projects at NABU!

Nature conservation at home

Wild herb areas, greening of parking lots and near-natural green roofs are just a few examples of how you can bring more nature into your living environment at home. If you want to do something for birds, you can help not only by providing nesting opportunities, but also by ensuring an adequate supply of food through wild shrubs, native trees or "wild corners". Butterflies and wild bees are attracted by plantings or food plants. The positive examples in and around the NABU Rhine Floodplain Center provide suggestions on how everyone can become active for more environmental protection and nature at home.

Oases for animals and plant

s NABU Bingen and the surrounding area maintains a total of 60 hectares of its own nature conservation areas in its catchment area. Rare orchids grow on the dry grasslands, which are regularly maintained. In the Rhine floodplains, small bodies of water for tree frogs and co. alternate with wet meadows where rare plants grow. Wetlands such as the Mortkaute, the Brutzwiese or the Schwabenheim reeds are oases for waterfowl and reed breeders such as the marsh harrier.

Meeting place nature

The NABU Center Rheinauen is intended to be a meeting place for people who are committed to the protection of nature. Exhibitions, lectures and workshops on special topics address different target groups. On weekends, Café AuenBlick invites you to explore the center and the adjacent AuenLand while enjoying homemade cake. Here, numerous insects, amphibians, wild plants and, with a little luck, bird species such as the kingfisher or the white stork can be observed.

Eingang Nabu Zentrum | © Nabu Zentrum Rheinauen
Parkplätze am Nabu Zentrum | © Nabu Zentrum Rheinauen
Überblick über das Nabu Zentrum | © Nabu Zentrum Rheinauen
Teich im Nabu Zentrum | © Nabu Zentrum Rheinauen

NABU Zentrum Rheinauen Bingen

From 01.01.2023 until the 31.12.2030

Opening hours:
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 14:00 - 17:00

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55411 Bingen am Rhein Mainzer Str. 302
NABU Zentrum Rheinauen
Mainzer Str. 302
55411 Bingen am Rhein

Phone: +49 67213509160
Web: https://www.nabu-rheinauen.de/

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