Alte Kirche Spay | © Marco Rothbrust

Old church in Spay

Mainzer Straße 101, 56322 Spay

The former parish church, built on the banks of the Rhine by Spay in 1670, in the typical Baroque hall construction, was acquired as a ruin by the Spayer citizen Franz Krautkremer in 1977. He founded a foundation and built the Old Church into a cultural and concert space. Every year, a multitude of classical and jazz concerts are held here with famous international artists.

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The St. Lambertus Church at Spay, which dates back to the 9th century, was part of the parish of Boppard, which ran from Brey up to St. Goar up the Rhine and far into the Hunsrück. With the parish church of Boppard the branch church Spay came around the year 991/993 to the diocese Worms and from this to the St. Martin pin. Before 1190, the parish became independent and raised to the parish, but continue to remain at St. Martin's in Worms. By the middle of the 17th century, the old parish church in Niederspay had become dilapidated. A new church was built, which was completed in 1670 (inscription) and the St. Lambert, the 705/706 died Bishop of Maastricht, was consecrated. The hall building with a rectangular choir and gothic tracery windows was abandoned in 1902 after the construction of the new parish church and collapsed down to the surrounding walls. 1923 Restoration of the invading west tower with a misshapen bell tower and a dome roof. By 1970, only the perimeter walls with tracery windows and the west portal were preserved. In 1977 the ruin was sold to a citizen of Spay. In the years 1978-79, the ship and choir were repaired and set up as a private cultural center. Every year many of gorgeous concerts take place.

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Alte Kirche Spay | © Marco Rothbrust
Alte Kirche | © Marco Rothbrust

Old church in Spay

From 16.03.2021 until the 16.03.2025

Opening hours:

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56322 Spay Mainzer Straße 101
Franz Krautkremer Stiftung
Mainzer Straße 101
56322 Spay

Phone: +49 2628 1486

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