Logo Messermanufaktur | © Peter Rohleder

Preussisches Zollhaus 1821 - Messermanufaktur

Mühlenstraße 4, 56170 Bendorf

Handmade knives from the Prussian Customs House

Knives from the Prussian Customs House are unique and completely handmade. Unique pieces have their own charm and are directly related to the person who made them. The knifemaker's personal signature can be seen in the shaping, design and the selected materials and their processing. Up to 40 hours of production time, and sometimes even more, pass before a chef's knife, kitchen knife, outdoor knife or leisure knife from the Prussian Custom House is finished. In return, you get a high-quality, individual and handcrafted product that will give you a lifetime of pleasure if used properly.

You can find more information on my website www.preussisches-zollhaus1821.com

Logo Messermanufaktur | © Peter Rohleder
Messermaufaktur Produktbeispiel | © Peter Rohleder

Preussisches Zollhaus 1821 - Messermanufaktur

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56170 Bendorf Mühlenstraße 4
Preußisches Zollhaus 1821 - Messermanufaktur
Mühlenstraße 4
56170 Bendorf

Phone: +49 170 6863572
E-mail: zollhaus.bendorf@superkabel.de
Web: http://preussisches-zollhaus1821.com

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