Ufer der Poesie | © Sabine Pilger

Rheinanlage "An den Ufern der Posie"

Rheinanlagen, 55422 Bacharach

The Rhine complex is a Rhine park completed in 1903 with a path system in the style of an English landscape park.

Its design was based on the "Geisenheimer Plan" submitted by the Royal Garden School in Geisenheim. Originally, the Rheinpark was 17,000 square metres in size. In the past decade, the Rhine facilities have been redesigned and extended to the north and south. They were provided with sculptures and today represent a harmonious park. The local recreational value was increased. A children's playground and exercise equipment is available.

Rheinanlage "An den Ufern der Posie"

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55422 Bacharach Rheinanlagen
Park am Rhein
55422 Bacharach

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