Weinbergslage Bacharacher Posten | © RNT, S. Bohr

Weinbergslage "Bacharacher Posten"

Am Postenturm, 55422 Bacharach

The Bacharacher Posten is a top vineyard site, VDP.GROSSE LAGE®, in the southern part of the natural terroir unit facing Stahleck Castle.

In the midst of the vines stands the Postenturm, an accessible tower of the former city fortifications. This part of the vineyard is 200 to 500 metres from the Rhine, faces south-southeast and is steep throughout. The Hunsrück slate there produces particularly elegant Rieslings with fine race, minerality and fruit. Semi-dry Riesling Spätlese wines from the Bacharach Posten are among the great wines of the Middle Rhine region. The name "zu posten" first appeared in 1408. Posten is meant here in the sense of "protruding" and can refer to a rocky outcrop or a sentry post. The Mittelrhein wine guide classifies the southern part of the vineyard as a top vineyard with the highest potential.

Weinbergslage "Bacharacher Posten"

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55422 Bacharach Am Postenturm
Weinbergslage Bacharacher Posten
Am Postenturm
55422 Bacharach

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