Schlafplatz der Schwarzmilane | © Heinz Strunk

Sunday, 28.07.2024

Führung Flora und Fauna im Engerser Feld - Schwarzmilane

Hafenstraße 90, 56564 Neuwied

Tourist Information Neuwied Guided tour flora and fauna in the Engerser Feld - collection of black kites Registration up to 2 days in advance on 02631-8025555 Meeting point: SWN-Hafenstr. car park, Neuwied Cost: Adults 6 euros, children from 6 to 14 years 4 euros Children up to 6 years free

Far too often we rush through nature without noticing the many small and large wonders to the right and left of the path. Sometimes, however, we lack the "trained eye" to discover the beauties that bloom in secret. The people of Neuwied are lucky enough to have a nature reserve right on their doorstep that attracts and fascinates experts from all over Germany. An area that can be reached on foot from the city centre in just a few minutes and offers special biological features that most people only discover on closer inspection. The tourist information centre of the town of Neuwied would now like to open the eyes of anyone interested to these special features with a very special guided tour. With "Flora and Fauna in the Engerser Feld", the tourist information centre is offering an unforgettable experience. Participants should definitely "arm" themselves with binoculars, as there is a lot to discover on the approximately two-and-a-half-hour hike. An expert guide will not only point out rare plants along the way, some of which can even supplement the local herb cuisine, but will also show you the breeding colony of cormorants, grey herons and black kites. Many breeding and resting birds can be observed within the bird sanctuary, and in passing you will learn extraordinary things about birds as "weathermen", learn about the tricks swifts use to divert attention from their nests in case of danger, and discover fascinating biological features everywhere, whether on land, on water or in the air. The Heck cattle, which graze large parts of the bird and water conservation area, are just one of them. And on the way back along the gravel lakes, you can see the successful renaturalisation of the pumice mining area, parts of which have still not been completed. Here, nature has reclaimed the land and man has helped to create remarkable biotopes. Tip: wear sturdy shoes and take binoculars with you

Führung Flora und Fauna im Engerser Feld - Schwarzmilane

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56564 Neuwied Hafenstraße 90
Stadtwerke Neuwied
Hafenstraße 90
56564 Neuwied

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  • 28.07.2024
