Bassenheimer Reiter | © Verbandsgemeinde Weißenthurm

Bassenheimer Reiter

Walpotplatz 11, 56220 Bassenheim

The Catholic parish church contains one of the most important works of medieval German pastiche. The relief of St. Martin, carved in grey sandstone, comes from the cathedral in Mainz and is the work of the Nauburg Master, who worked in Mainz around 1250.

The Bassenheim Horseman is one of the most famous representations of Martinus in art history. Once made for the west door of Mainz Cathedral, the canon Kasimir Wandbott von Bassenheim brought it from Mainz to Bassenheim in 1683 and saved it from destruction. Today, the work of art by the Naumburg master has its home in the Bassenheim church where it has already been admired by many visitors.

Bassenheimer Reiter | © Verbandsgemeinde Weißenthurm
Bassenheimer Reiter Teilansicht | © Verbandsgemeinde Weißenthurm

Bassenheimer Reiter

From 01.01.2023 until the 31.12.2040

Opening hours:

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56220 Bassenheim Walpotplatz 11
Pfarrkirche St. Martin
Walpotplatz 11
56220 Bassenheim

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